
Tue 23 July 2024
Technology as crystallized community
Wed 10 July 2024
Reboot 2030 - Hacking the Future: Solarpunk Vision for a Sustainable World
Thu 30 May 2024
Solarpunk Presents interview - "Tech and the Power of Solarpunk Narratives, with Paweł Ngei"
Mon 13 May 2024
"Games for Future 2: Solarpunk" - a game design lecture at Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle
Wed 20 March 2024
The Messiah & The God-Emperor of Zurich: a review of Kim Stanley Robinson's "The Ministry for the Future"
Tue 12 March 2024
Solarpunkowe Q&A dla Koła Naukowego Socjologii Cyfrowej UW
Sun 25 February 2024
Solarpunk Prompts Podcast
Sat 24 February 2024
Badanie naukowe "Słoneczna synergia słowa i działania. Ruch solarpunkowy w Polsce"
Sat 24 February 2024
Solarpunk w GilotynaTV
Tue 04 July 2023
Solarpunk w Miesięczniku ZNAK
Tue 28 February 2023
Solarpunk: lenses and foundations with Think That Through
Sat 19 November 2022
"Nudne Science Fiction Uratuje Świat" - wywiad w Wyborczej i perypetie prawoautorskie
Fri 09 September 2022
Solarpunkowy esej w "Myśleć Głębiej"
Tue 23 August 2022
O tym dlaczego "sustainability" to nie "zrównoważony rozwój"
Tue 16 August 2022
Solarpunk RPG Factions Draft
Mon 30 May 2022
SolariseCon 2022
Sat 14 May 2022
Solarpunk dzisiaj: soczewki i fundamenty
Sat 23 October 2021
22 Solarpunk Communities and Story Hooks
Sat 05 June 2021
Cryptoparty dla Nauczycieli na konferencji Asy Internetu 2021
Sun 17 January 2021
Konkurs Optymistycznej Fikcji Klimatycznej
Sat 03 October 2020
Narracje Technologiczne na Filozofikonie
Sat 08 August 2020
Technological Narratives at HOPE2020
Tue 19 May 2020
The Story Engine Card Creator
Sun 08 March 2020
Manifest Solarpunka
Mon 08 July 2019
Solarpunk, cyberpunk, popculture - technological narratives tl;dr
Tue 05 March 2019
Hackers in popular culture - the curse of being an eternal rebel
Mon 07 January 2019
How Elon Musk takes Wikipedia's place
Thu 03 January 2019
35C3: We need to tell a better story than cyberpunk
Thu 03 January 2019
Cryptoparty: wykłady z cyberbezpieczeństwa w 2018
Sun 04 November 2018
Where to find me now?
Fri 28 September 2018
Deleting Facebook
Wed 11 July 2018
Solarpunk: notatki do manifestu
Tue 03 July 2018
Artykuł 11: gorzej zrozumiane zagrożenie
Mon 02 July 2018
(Nie) zamierzone efekty reformy praw autorskich w UE
Sun 22 October 2017
Mitch Altman's Hacker Trip to Poland 2017
Wed 18 January 2017
Radykalne przedłużanie życia - debata
Mon 19 December 2016
NeuroOn analysis - results and discussion
Sun 04 December 2016
NeuroOn validation poster
Wed 27 July 2016
Hackers, researchers, biohackers
Mon 27 June 2016
NeuroOn analysis - introduction and sources
Fri 10 June 2016
Second steps in React
Sun 31 January 2016
SurviveJS - a guide to modern web development with React and Webpack
Fri 15 January 2016
TaxBrackets - visualizing tax systems in d3.js
Thu 14 January 2016
Wolne i otwarte oprogramowanie w biznesie [pl]
Sat 02 January 2016
32C3 - Ten years after we lost the war
Thu 05 November 2015
Why I am voting for Razem
Tue 28 April 2015
Rational Transhumanism
Sun 11 January 2015
CryptoParty in Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw
Tue 04 November 2014
PyConPL 2014 - mediocre hiring grounds for corporations
Wed 01 October 2014
5th Offtopicarium - approaches to science
Mon 15 September 2014
Sprostowanie artykułu w Bloombergu
Mon 01 September 2014
Cyborg's daily problems: the story
Sun 27 July 2014
NeuroOn: król jest nagi!