NeuroOn analysis - introduction and sources

Posted on Mon 27 June 2016 in misc • 10 min read

Edit 29.09.2016

The analysis and all the data files are available for peer review at my Github.

NeuroOn Today

I was intending to start a blog for a long time, kept back by the feeling that I didn't really have anything valuable to share. This changed when I found a Polish startup - NeuroOn1 over two years ago. My first post2 expressed all the hopes I had for the sleep mask and skepticism at the clear disregard for scientific standards of its creators. Since it consists mostly of quotes I don't want to risk misinterpretation of IntelClinic employees by translating it fully. I ended it with the following paragraph:

The NeuroOn sleep mask cannot work exactly as advertised - it cannot utilize a proper EEG signal. While it can detect a REM phase in sleep very roughly, it's very far from reliable sleep analysis. The majority of the population isn't able to achieve polyphasic sleep, since their brains aren't capable of that. A similar thing goes with lucid dreaming. NeuroOn at its best …

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Second steps in React

Posted on Fri 10 June 2016 in misc • 1 min read

For some time I've been using React JS stack in my professional projects at X-Team and I decided to share some knowledge. React is just one piece piece of puzzle, requiring Redux, React-Router, Webpack and Babel to create truly interesting architecture. I've met many people having problems with grasping that, struggling to go beyond simple component state of their application. Since I had similar problems learning this modular approach, I decided to give a short presentation on the topic.

Initially given on April 27th in a wonderful Noisebridge hackerspace, I updated it a little after React Europe 2016 and presented again at MeetJS Warsaw on the 7th of June 2016.

The presented application of React + Redux is just a simple view authentication method, which nicely highlights the simplicity of the architecture. All links - including "by then you should know" are clickable, so feel free to browse sources recommended by me. All code itself is either runnable or has a pseudocode warning on the slide.

Slides are available in an iframe below or at my slides …

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SurviveJS - a guide to modern web development with React and Webpack

Posted on Sun 31 January 2016 in misc • 3 min read

This time I wish to share a recommendation. For two years I've been developing in JavaScript in Angular, using various in-house habits and techniques of my respective employers. I have tried vanilla JS and CoffeeScript, Grunt and Gulp, Jasmine and Mocha, various deployment models. I have been learning various tools on my own, but I always seemed to lack the understanding of what is their specific place and strength in a project.

I never really got what's so good in React and Webpack, even though I've completed the tutorials before. I got myself to understand ES6 and BabelJS, but never intuitively realized the potential of const and modules, even though my taxBrackets project uses a lot of their functions.

There are lots of great tutorials and showcases of various tools, showing how each of them can simplify and speed up the development. Still - nothing can replace seeing an experienced professional make most of his toolbox and guide you through their work process.

Recently I've seen such a guide, creating a simple yet representative app in …

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TaxBrackets - visualizing tax systems in d3.js

Posted on Fri 15 January 2016 in misc • 3 min read

Hah, my first technical post on the blog, even if very lame :)

During the last year's elections in Poland a truly leftist party surfaced for the first time in decades, proposing to raise the taxes with a progressive tax system. It turned out that a lot of Poles didn't know how such a system works and became terrified by the thought of a 75% tax for the richest.

That convinced me to create some kind of visualization of various tax systems - be in flat or progressive. This is an early stage effect of my works: TaxBrackets 0.1, available at my Github.

I've been meaning to sit down and work it out for months, and starting wasn't easy - the most important factor was a clear and simple design. It had to present an average person how the tax brackets are distributed in their gross salary. Iterating between versions with varying level of details I finally settled on relative simple one, which shouldn't feel crowded.

I wanted to create two view modes: 'general', showcasing the sum …

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Wolne i otwarte oprogramowanie w biznesie [pl]

Posted on Thu 14 January 2016 in misc • 6 min read

EDIT: Dla ciekawych zagadnienia ten artykuł może być dobrą kontynuacją. Nie zgadzam się ze wszystkimi jego tezami (security through obscurity nie istnieje), jest natomiast naprawdę wyczerpujący.

Artykuł ten został napisany na prośbę działu Technologii Finansowych i objęty jest licencją CC-BY-SA 4.0 pozwalającą również na użycie komercyjne. Byłbym wdzięczny za poinformowanie mnie, jeżeli zostałby wykorzystany poza tym blogiem i

Przeciętny użytkownik komputera nie poświęca wiele uwagi licencjom oprogramowania, jakiego używa. Jest dla niego zupełnie naturalne, że pewne - jak system Windows czy pakiet antywirusowy - powinien zakupić, inne zaś może legalnie ściągnąć z Sieci. Część z nich będzie wyświetlała reklamy, inne przy instalacji podrzucą też do systemu dodatkowy toolbar czy aplikację partnera. Jest jednak i oprogramowanie, które mimo że bezpłatne - nie posunie się do żadnej z tych rzeczy. Należy do niego większość przeglądarek internetowych - być może najważniejszych dla zwykłego użytkownika aplikacji.

Przeglądarki te - jak Mozilla Firefox czy Chromium (znana większości pod marką Google Chrome) objęte są licencjami z rodziny open source. Ich kod źródłowy jest dostępny dla każdego - co oznacza, że są one …

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